Tag Archives: web



In an ideal world, all web browsers would be 100% standards compliant, and the user’s choice of operating system would be immaterial. Unfortunately, web developers working in the real world know this is not the case. Most developers thus build in one browser, and test in as many as they can: this can often be time consuming, and requires multiple real or virtual machines. Browsershots makes testing across a range of browsers and OSs simple: simply choose the systems and versions you wish to test, enter the address of your site and press Submit.



Lorem Ipsum is a form of text that is often used by typesetters and web designers to fill out or test a template. It helps to make templates more realistic in appearance, as it saves them from looking too blank. This site provides chunks of Lorem Ipsum dressed up with various different HTML tags, making it easy to simply copy and past in what you need. For instance, if you need an ordered list, this site saves you having to write one in HTML and then copy in your Lorem Ipsum.