Tag Archives: writing

Should We Stop Teaching Handwriting?

FloppyWhilst I am no fanboy, there is one thing that I think Apple does well: phasing out obsolete technology. Whether it was floppy drives in the 90s or DVD drives and Ethernet ports in the 10s, there is no place in Apple machines for old technology. And it’s not just hardware, but software too: remember when they ended OS 9 app support in Lion?

Some would argue that Apple move too fast on this front, causing difficulties for those consumers who need to keep these legacy technologies in use for reasons beyond their control. However, many others would argue that in expunging the old, we make way for the new, giving space for innovative new technologies to flourish. Of course, there is no right or wrong answer here, just multitudinous levels of positive and negative effects on individuals, aggregated to tell us something about the overall cost or benefit.

To me it seems like the classical art of hand writing is today where floppies were in the mid 1990s: still useful, still in active use, but on the verge of a precipitous decrease in utility. Of course, hand writing is still an amazingly useful technology to master: it lets you write quick notes, fill out archaic government forms, sit archaic exams and operate when the power goes down. However, there is another way to look at this, and it revolves around a key question:

Can we justify the expense, in terms of learning time and energy, of teaching 5 year-olds to write today, when more than likely their adult lives will most likely not involve much handwriting?

Again, there is of course no right or wrong here, just a range of options with a variety of probable outcomes. On the positive side, time not given over to rote learning of hand forming letters could be used to improve any number of other skills, values or outcomes. On the negative side, students would become dependent on electronic aides (but aren’t we all already?), and might lose out on some fine motor skill development. I am sure experts could weigh in here with plenty more points on either side.

Perhaps we could take a middle ground and teach students to print legibly in block capitals, whilst not insisting they learn to write lengthy scripts in formal hand writing? Would this solution offer the best of both worlds? Perhaps.

I can imagine this same scene played out repeatedly through history as we moved through a long series of different writing technologies. Should our young scholars continue to learn to carve, or should we allow them to use this infernal, unreliable and ethereal new ink? Think of the children!

At some point educationalists, most likely those in primary schools, will need to start grappling with this question. With ever increasing lists of skills, values and outcomes to teach students we need all the classroom time we can get. On the other hand, perhaps we could just overthrow the whole system. At any rate, I would love to see some further research done into this, perhaps with an effort to judge when exactly is the right time to stop teaching children to write in the way we currently do.

Credit: Dysan disk image by Farmer Jan on Wikipedia, shared under PD.

Google Forms Choose Your Own Adventure

Do you remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books from the 80s and 90s? I used to love reading them at school, and recently I have been wondering if students could write their own using a Google Drive Form. This is a proof-of-concept for this idea…sorry if my creative writing is not amazingly griping.

Note: you might find this works better as a stand-alone form, rather than viewing it within this site.

I and You

ChainWe come unto this earth, shooting head-first blind and wet so much like one link in a chain of boundless length. From this bundle of sopping joy we start, through an unknown life to live, and to the ultimately nameless soil to return. Each one of us the carrier of a unique cargo, an heirloom passed through us down the line of the ever-growing snowball.

By our individual nature, this process barely perceived, our awareness owed to thousands of like and dislike minds to-ing and fro-ing year on year. The same questions asked by all, answered by so few. Why am I here, where did this all come from, where do we go? Each person at the end the same, but each life lived for ones self. I am me, a bubble surrounded by blades, survival paramount. For me alone I toil for food and water and air. To what end? Why of course to carry my cargo, to complete the circle of my link, to join what has come before me to what will no doubt come after. All the while, today is all, an island separated from the bygone by history and from what is to come by chance. The past has come and gone and today, the gentle slope from there to here mutated into a bluff, then and now. The connection missed by so many minds, but felt by each and everybody. But when informed by the words of the great and gone that today is really no different than yesterday, and that indeed yesterday has lead to this day, the apparently jagged link between now and then suddenly flat lines. For now simply becomes a blip, a jump, a skip for me and only me on this great ocean. Now I see that I am the sum of my forefathers, both from my line and others. For sure I have my mother’s nose and father’s hair, but to who do I owe my thoughts? To God? Perhaps. To my teachers? Directly, yes, but in the end, did their thoughts come not from their teachers, and theirs from theirs?. And is it not logical to learn from all those who have come before, and thus be taught. For in every way we are, but for most it is never seen. How can we be sat down to learn history, a dead woman’s story, when history rides and lives through everyone of us. The dates are crammed, the names squashed in, with a little space for remembering action too. But we seem to miss the thoughts, the second chain that ties us all together.

Then the thought; if I am just a blip, and you my friends and you my enemies are too but blips, are you not me and I not you? Where do I end and you start? Certainly with my flesh, your bones, but what of the mind. Are we all linked, joined in grand world union, one global cosmic spirit man. Or are our minds apart too?

But surely this all fades, if I consider that I may be you, and you may be me, should I not strive for us? Perhaps if I considered that I could wake one morning in someone else’s shoes, perhaps then I would help him, feed her, heal them. Perhaps then you would step from your carriage, open your doors and let the masses in. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. But why sacrifice the possessions of my self when I am me and you are you?

And so we struggle on, the rich getting fat and the poor thin, the fat few getting unhappy, and the many thin angry. No change in reality. Wrongs disguised and excused in the name of religion, or imperialism, or divine right. The worker still the slave, the master still holding the whip. The whip becomes the carrot, the carrot the stock option, but all so thinly veiled.

Surely there is another way. A single fire, started from so many sparks, lights the sky a fantastic red. Marx the mind, Lenin the muscle. Why not take the fat and spread it like so much butter, feed all, clothe all, house all. All for one and one for all it begins. The salvation of the poor worth the blood of the rich, no doubt. But once begun, where to stop, who is right and who has the right. Communist Red and blood, sweeping from east to Far East, a noble idea but so much harder to stomach now. The rich rebel from a far, sending in the poor, the muscle the army to rid the world of this evil and put back into place a much corrupted version of the former. The system now a puppet, controlled by those of so much power, so much wealth so much greed. Those who have forgotten that they too will pass as one more link in the chain sliding quickly through the narrow sights of the present. They will not be remembered as good or great or mad or bad, as they surely must see themselves, but tarnished they will no doubt be, for on their hands lies the blood and thirst and hunger of myriad others.

And how do we go forward? By jump and by start, by revolution followed by puppet peace followed by revolution, by endless generations of poor, dispossessed and tortured. Or should we not all together say, I am me, but by odds I could be you? Thus, should we not all treat each other as we wish to be treated our selves? I feel pain, sometimes to the core, so by what right do I inflict pain on the mind, body and soul of another. Is terror by the ruled not identical to terror by the ruling? Is not right and wrong, killing and stealing, the same for you as for me and as for them?

Let then the sword of awaking in another man’s shoes weigh heavy over the head of he who strays from the path of truth and compassion. For I am you, and by turns you are me. Need I say more, other than go with peace and love, my friend, my enemy.

Originally written 23rd August, 2003. Image by Darwin Bell on Flickr, shared under CC BY-NC.