Tag Archives: story

Google Forms Choose Your Own Adventure

Do you remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books from the 80s and 90s? I used to love reading them at school, and recently I have been wondering if students could write their own using a Google Drive Form. This is a proof-of-concept for this idea…sorry if my creative writing is not amazingly griping.

Note: you might find this works better as a stand-alone form, rather than viewing it within this site.

Rives tells a story of mixed emoticons


This video is really interesting; and comes to the heart of how we use language as a social semiotic (i.e. a socially constructed set of common meanings and understandings). Language is changing. How can this be used in teaching? Get students to write a story using only emoticons; and then rewrite it in more formal language. See if students can guess the meaning of each other’s work. How is communication altered?