Tag Archives: processing

Automator: A Quick Mac Tip

AutomatorMac OS X comes with an app called Automator, that lets you string actions together to make simple programmes. It allows, for example, resizing 100 photos in one go. Or, as in the example below, taking a group of PDFs, and turning them into a single document that is saved on your Desktop.

As a practical example, we will look at the second idea above: combining PDFs. To try this, follow the steps below.

  • Download the this ZIP file, and save it to your computer.
  • Find the saved file and double click on it, which will uncompress and reveal a file called Combine PDFs.workflow.
  • Double click on Combine PDFs.workflow and it will open in Automator
  • Then, in Finder local your PDF files and highlight them all:

Inline image 1

  • Now, in Automator, click on the Run button in the top left:

Inline image 2

  • It will process, and depending on the size and number of your files, a new PDF will appear on your Desktop within seconds.

If you investigate the lists of actions on the left hand side of the Automator window, you will see that it can do lots and lots of other things too. In addition, this great list of 10 Automator Uses goes into quite some detail.

Margaret Gould Stewart: How YouTube Thinks About Copyright


Copyright is an area of immense interest for me: I cannot say exactly why, but I think it is to do with the interplay of creativity, reward and culture. I mostly think of copyright as being a battle between the content creators and content users, with each trying to find the best deal for themselves. Lawmakers, swayed by one side or the other, pass legislation to maintain a balance of some kind (currently far too much in favour of the creators). And technology provides a landscape which is constantly changing, requiring all players to exert effort to maintain equilibrium for themselves and the system as a whole. At the core of copyright is the issue of our culture, and specifically how we create, transmit and enjoy its artifacts (such as music, video and books).

Of late, we have seen many attempts by content creators (recording artists, move directors) and their representatives (MPAA, RIAA) to block technological developments that they see as harmful to their interests. This often leads to a strong perceived delineation between bad/evil/greedy creators and poor/choiceless consumers. In many instances this delineation seems to be fair and accurate, for example when Paramount attempted to claim copyright over someone’s footage of the public filming of movie.

However, every so often we catch a glimpse of developments that are distinctly more subtle in their effort to create benefit for all. My standard examples of these instances are Creative Commons and the Open Source movement. Having watched this fascinating video, I think I might now have a third example. The video deals with YouTube’s automated efforts to allow content creators to have control over their content in such a way that uses economic incentives to encourage them to permit remix and reuse. This softly-softly approach seems to be a great way to get big corporations interested in the power of participatory culture, whilst allowing them to maintain ownership over their content.

From an information technology perspective, the video provides great insights into the way that YouTube uses technology to process, analise and make decisions upon huge numbers of videos. It also illustrates many interesting points regarding information processes, and shows that systems are not just composed of technology, but also consist of people, policies and data. I think many students will definitely be interested to see what happens behind the scenes on the world’s most popular video sharing platform.

I am certainly interested to learn more about YouTube’s efforts in this area, and would love to see this system fulfill its potential to empower individuals to create culture rather than simply consume it. As to whether or not it will, who knows, but given Google’s long history of pushing the envelope when it comes to copyright, it just might.