Tag Archives: creativity



Wordle allows the easy creation of beautiful word clouds from any text. Word clouds are a means of displaying text is a visual manner, where the frequency of use of a word determines its visual prominence. A great way to use word clouds is to create one as a primer to a text that is to be studied: this can be used to learn vocab ahead of time, or to try and guess the meaning and content of a text based on a single dimension. The uses for word clouds are practically as limitless as your own imagination.



Flickr Storm allows users to search flickr for images shared under Creative Commons licenses. Creative Commons enables and underlies a massive pool of content that is available for students to use in their projects, including images, videos and music. Whilst this site only focus on images from one Creative Commons source amongst many, it is a great way to get students thinking about licensing, sharing, intellectual property, theft, creativity and participatory culture. By encouraging students to borrow, create and then share, we teach them to value their own work, to share content without breaking the law and to create culture rather than just consume it.