Tag Archives: africa

Livingstone200 Writeup

Livingstone200ExhaustedThe Livingstone200 was a one-day fundraiser in aid of David Livingstone and the Ugandan children and farmers he is helping to rehabilitate in post-conflict Uganda. People were asked to sponsor me as I aimed to rollerbladed 200km in a single day. It was organised in response to the difficulties experienced when my students tried to raise funds to help David as part of a school project.

As a logical extension of other skating fundraisers I have run in the past (China Inline Trip, Skate The Island, 110k Skate), the Livingstone200 was really simple: rollerblade further than I have before, pushing my personal endurance limits as far as possible. As it turns out, rollerblading 200km in a day may be my personal limit. The following is an account of the day.

We are still accepting sponsorship, which can be made through the Crossroads Foundation online payment system. Please enter “Livingstone200” in the “What For?” section.  I know that every cent donated will be appreciated by the people David is trying to help.

Following a sleepless night drenched with nervous anticipation, I got out of bed at 04:30 and readied myself for the day. Clad mostly in Lycra, I snuck out of the house with my skates and a minimal pack (to last me until my volunteers would come online at 07:00). A quick taxi ride through the very quiet pre-dawn and I arrived at Science Park, my base for the day. The route I had planned would see me skate parallel to the Tolo Highway, repeating a 10km journey out to Tai Po and back. Plasters applied, thick socks pulled up, skates on and I was ready to go. Pushing off on that first stride, which I knew would be the first of many, went a long way to halting the low-level anxiety I had been feeling every time this event popped into my mind.

From the off, though, I knew the day would not go as planned. Each of my training skates, totaling 350km between Christmas and Chinese New Year, had been on dry tracks without wind. Within minutes of setting off I was tired from battling gusting winds. Trying to keep warm and dry I was wearing a few layers, through which sweat and rain were already starting to meet. 5km in, and I reach my turning point for the first time. I could not believe how tired I was feeling, disheartening given that the outward leg was the easiest: turning into the wind and heading back uphill my heart sank at the thought the I could not achieve what I set out to do.

Slowly (at 15km/h compared to 20 in training and 18 on my plan) I crept through the dark, pushing one foot out at a time, gaining a few meters with each stride. After 30km (3 legs out of 20) my first three volunteers arrived to set up camp, carrying the supplies that would help me through the day (thanks Carly!).  After 40km I sat down for the first time to take stock and eat some breakfast (banana and Clif Bar). Most worrying at this point was the fact that an old ankle pain, which was absent through training, had come back. Caused by ill-fitting skates, the outside ankle bone on my right foot was being constantly rubbed and pressed by part of the plastic of my boot.

Refueled by breakfast and 20 minutes of being stationary, I got back to work, and started to accumulate kilometers 20 at a time (2 laps, or four legs up and down the harbour). Alternating between lisening to music (fun but confusing for skating rhythm) and just starring into the distance (boring but easy to focus), I slowly began building up distance. Sticking to lap times of around 30 minutes, cruising slightly downhill and downwind on each outward leg and then battling the wind and grade back to the support station.

As the distance on my GPS app started to grow, I started to feel more positive: the aches weren’t getting much worse, and at least the rain had stopped. At 90km I felt the pleasure of approaching the half way mark, but on hitting 100km I was left feeling despair that after over 6 hours I had to take all my work and double it to get finished. I pressed on, encouraged by visits from friends and family, and managed to reach 110km before stopping for lunch. Setting off from lunch I knew that I was in unknown territory, having never skated this far before.

Morning became afternoon, but a chill remained on the air. Each time I stopped to rest, my body cooled off in seconds and I was left shivering and shaking. Even a heavy blanket and wooly hat did little to keep me warm, and I put this down to sheer fatigue. After 130km I had to resort to breaks after each lap, no longer able to go more than 30 minutes without taking off my skates, going to the toilet and eating a little snack. I was taking in fluids faster than I was sweating them out, but needed the energy and salts in sports drinks (Pocari, Gu Brew, Lucozade) to stop my muscles from cramping.

After 130km I started to get more confident that I could go the distance, but the emotional burden was getting harder and harder to bear. I could feel myself alternating between positive and negative, and several times tears seemed to be on their way. I was fortunate to receive a lower leg massage from a volunteer, and this kept some incipient cramp at bay, at least allowing me greater freedom of movement. Later in the day, cramp twinges started in my upper legs, but nutrition, hydration and rest fortunately kept them at bay.

At the 150km mark, the end seemed at last to be in sight: 200 minutes of extra effort and I knew I would be there. Thoughts of giving up were constant, and the rationales for stopping were easy to find. The thing that kept me going was the thought of getting close, but failing, and somehow needing to do it all again: there was no way I was giving up all that work, and not getting the job done.

30 minutes of skating at a time I pulled my body through 160, 170 and finally 180kms. Each lap ended with a rest, and each new one started with hobbling, cursing and slowly willing my body to warm up and move. By this point the sun was finally out, and the late afternoon light was gorgeous. Elation was starting to set in, and I could almost taste the sensation of being finished. With the warm weather came crowds of cyclists, from speedy pros to adult beginners with stabiliser wheels. All of a sudden there were people flying everywhere, and it became a mission just to stay on my feet. A little boy without a helmet came of his bike and placed his head almost under my wheels, a woman crashed into a stationary bollard, a man served almost across my toes. Exhausted and pumped up, I tried to stay calm and focused, I tried to predict the unpredictable. As I inched closer to the finish, I began to wonder what it might feel like to be finished. The image that came to mind was Seve Ballesteros winning the 1984 Open…which probably shows how delusional I was by this point:

And then, just like that, it was done. A final push over the line, my lovely wife and children waiting for me, a few photos and taking my skates off. Finally, after 13 hours and 2 minutes, being still and knowing I did not need to skate anymore. I was elated yet reflective: what if I had to back it up and do it again tomorrow? What if I had no choice, forced to my limit every day, forced to march, to kill. What if I was just a child? My resilience and determination seemed somehow mute in the face of what so many suffer…somewhere, through my aching, hurting body and my confused, elated mind, I understood that I was lucky, pampered and weak.

At the end of all of this, through a combination of luck and preparation, I was left with only a swollen ankle and some very stiff muscles. The day after was tough, especially moving up and down stairs. Hot showers and greasy food helped to ease some of the discomfort. Writing this three days after the fact, my range of movement is still limited, but most of the pain and stiffness has gone.

The Livingstone200 would not have been worth undertaking without the gracious support of my many sponsors (including some wonderful students), who have helped to push to total sum raised to just over HKD $20,000. It would also not have been possible without the support of the following volunteers and supporters: Carly, Ellen, Sarah, Jen, Mitch, Monika, Peony, Emily, Queenie, Chrystal, Mike, George, Reinhard, Alexandra, Yo & Jamie. Thanks so much for taking the time to come along and lend a hand!

Featured below are some stats and a map of the day, taken from my phone’s GPS, using Google’s My Tracks:

  • Total distance: 200.29 km (124.5 mi)
  • Total time: 13:03:01
  • Moving time: 10:51:36
  • Average speed: 15.35 km/h (9.5 mi/h)
  • Average moving speed: 18.44 km/h (11.5 mi/h)
  • Max speed: 35.35 km/h (22.0 mi/h)

View Livingstone200 in a larger map



Note: the Livingstone200 is complete…and you can read about it here.

David Livingstone is a Ugandan man, who, having suffered as a child solider, is now trying to help those around him rebuild their lives. Many in Uganda are struggling to survive after decades of brutal internal conflict. The video below gives some idea of the trauma caused by this conflict.

On Saturday February the 16th, 2013, I will be skating the Livingstone200: a fundraiser to help David build classrooms and provide livestock and farming equipment to those around him. Over the course of the day I will attempt to skate 200km, a distance almost twice what I have managed before. Your support in this event would be most appreciated.

We are still accepting sponsorship, which can be made through the Crossroads Foundation online payment system. Please enter “Livingstone200” in the “What For?” section. I know that every cent donated will be appreciated by the people David is trying to help. Payment will be .

David Livingstone & Us

David Livingstone is a former child solider, a man who has suffered much, yet has committed himself to helping those around him. Kidnapped by the Lord’s Resistance Army, and forced to fight someone else’s war, he was marched around Uganda. This post tells a small part of David’s story, as discovered by Class 7.1 at International College Hong Kong, whose students have been working on how to help those affected by years of war and violence in Uganda. The aim of my students is to raise money to help David supply  farmers and children with the essential equipment they need to support themselves and become Uganda’s next generation of leaders.

If you are moved by these stories and would like to make a contribution to David’s noble work, donations can be made to ‘Crossroads Foundation Ltd’. Please be sure to include a note in the ‘what for?’ box to designate the funds to the ‘Uganda Ox and Plough Project 2012’. Please also email ross@rossparker.org, so that we can track your donations.

我們與大衛 . 李文史東
大衛 . 李文史東是一名前童兵。縱使飽受苦難,大衛依然致力幫助身邊的人。他遭聖主抵抗軍綁架,並且被強迫於烏干達行軍,參予別人的戰爭。International College Hong Kong的7.1 班學生透過網文向大家揭示大衛的一小部分故事之外,更著手幫助那些受烏干達連年戰亂和暴力影響的人。 我的這班學生願望能籌募善款,幫助大衛提供當地農民和兒童所需的生活設備,讓他們自力更生,成就烏干達棟樑之才。如果您被這些故事而感動,希望為大衛的崇高任務出一分力,可捐款至「Crossroads Foundation Ltd」。請將善款,連同一寫上『支助「烏干達牛犁計劃2012 (Uganda Ox and Plough Project 2012)」』的紙條放進「用途(what for?) 」箱內。同時, 請發電郵至ross@rossparker.org,好讓我們跟進您的捐獻。

The Students’ Story

David Livingstone is a Ugandan man who is motivated to take action against a growing problem: Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Joseph Kony is world famous thanks to the Invisible Children team and their videos. A recent video called Kony 2012 rocketed up awareness of the problem around the world. Unfortunately, awareness is powerless if there is no action. There are still more than 10,000 children enslaved by the LRA and more children are being enslaved by the hour.

David Livingstone is one of the many people who are doing their best to help a different aspect of the Ugandan problem. He is trying give to the ex-child soldiers a new life and a proper education. There is a reason he feels for this cause so much: David Livingstone himself was once a child soldier. He escaped by forming a group with some of the other child soldiers and waited for the right moment to make a break for it. At last, the time was right. Two separate groups of the LRA got into a fight with each other and opened fire. David and other child soldiers made a break for it. Not all of them made it. David was lucky.

David escaped to a town where a lady helped him escape recapture and safely make it to a secure rehabilitation centre. David now spends his life trying to help child soldiers and giving them the best shot they have at a better life. David himself is one of the many that went through the rehabilitation, but there is a shortage of places that provide rehabilitation for ex-child soldiers. He is now helping Crossroads, Ox and Plow and many other organizations that are devoted to building schools and rehabilitation centers for ex-child soldiers and bring an end to the tyrant Kony’s reign.

Written by Ben, Harry & Noel

David’s Images

Further Action

  • Rosie, June & Megan: going door-to-door in their neighborhood, dropping off fliers to help spread awareness.
  • Noel, Ben & Harry: interviewing strangers on the street to help understand how much people know about the situation in Uganda, and to help increase awareness.
  • Harry, June, Ben & Megan: appeared on RTHK Radio 3’s Morning Brew radio show to promote the work of David Livingstone and try to raise more money. Listen to the segment here.

Our Images

The Teacher’s Story

David Livingstone is a Ugandan man, who, whilst less famous than his namesake, seems just as important in understanding contemporary Africa. David was introduced to me by a mutual friend from Crossroads Hong Kong, as someone my students might benefit from chatting with online. On hearing David’s story, it is difficult to decide what is more amazing about him: the fact that he survived abduction by Joseph Kony’s LRA, or that he is now trying to help other victims to rebuild their lives.

Two months ago I had never heard of Jospeh Kony, or the LRA, but like many others, that was changed by the viral spread of Invisible Children’s Kony 2012 campaign. Initially, I was shocked that this conflict had been going on for over 20 years, and that a tyrant who ruthlessly targets children could be operating with impunity. I tried immediately to spread the word, but then struggled to come up with meaningful ways to help a situation that seemed so remote and entrenched. After some thought I decided to turn the problem over to my students, in the hope that their young minds would succeed in taking action.

Starting off with a small amount of information, a group of 12 boys and girls began learning as much as they could about the situation in Uganda. Over the past 6 weeks we have met each Monday to check progress and talk over ideas. I asked them to avoid focusing on fundraising, as I wanted them to aim for more direct action. Initially they struggled, but after a while they started coming up with some great ideas on what they could do. Independently, they started going door-to-door in their neighborhoods, interviewing people at the Star Ferry and making videos to share with others.

Whilst this was all very positive, the net effect was marginal, and I felt we were lacking a way for students to really connect with the problem. When a few of the boys decided to shoot a dramatic reenactment of the situation in Uganda, I thought it might be worthwhile for them to visit Crossroads and take part in their Refugee Run simulation. With their encouragement, I contacted David Begbie at Crossroads, an amazing guy who I was fortunate enough to meet a few years ago. David was, as I had expected, a font of knowledge on the subject, having been to Uganda and witnessed firsthand the chaos taking place there. He threw his usual enthusiasm at the problem, and promised to introduce me to David Livingstone, a former child soldier who was trying to rebuild the lives of those around him.

As learning goes, this seemed to be an incredible opportunity, not only for my students but also for myself. Within a week, we had made contact with David and set a time to chat with him via Skype. I pulled my students out of regular classes, and we gathered around my laptop to make the call. There was a certain air of nervous anticipation in the classroom, as students leaned forward in readiness. The conversation that transpired gave a small group of Hong Kong students a rare glimpse into a world they could scarcely imagine. As we heard David’s voice, fragmented into digital packages and shot around the globe, my students suddenly had a real connection to a very serious problem. Despite the poor quality of the connection, and a considerable accent gap, I could literally see some of the students begin to understand what David had been through.

Together, we learned that David was kidnapped at age fourteen, shortly after encountering LRA rebels at his school. Arriving for a day’s classes, students were told to leave: when they asked to keep learning, they were told that they could come back tomorrow. However, if they chose to do this, they would be forced to kill, cook and eat their teachers. Realising the seriousness of the situation, they made plans to leave the area and find somewhere safer. Returning to their village to collect food, they set off on foot, only to be intercepted by another group of rebels. Accused of trafficking food to the government troops, one of the students was killed on the spot. Unable to escape or resist, they were kidnapped and forced to march and fight. Over the following 6 months, David witnessed brutality that cannot be imagined from the comfort of a regular, modern life. David managed to escape his captors during an internal struggle between two rebel groups. Others around him were gunned down as they fled. Having been physically displaced and disoriented, he was, however, in a perilous position, with a very real risk of being apprehended again. In the process of returning home, he spent time in a concentration camp, and repeatedly evaded capture.

Home, though, is a very brittle construct, and returning to a devastated village, with no family to greet you, can scarcely count as a homecoming. As David told us, when your fields, animals and equipment have been taken from you, how can you possibly go on? It is in this that I find the greatest evidence of David’s strength: it is clear that somehow he did rebuild, and that in doing so, he found the desire and ability to help others.

When I thanked David for helping my students, he immediately asked a very direct question: how can you help our children who have suffered so much? My answer, given on the spot, was that with someone on the ground to work with, we would quickly set to work raising funds to help David supply others with plough, oxen, classrooms and teachers. And this brings me to the purpose of this article: how can you help the children, men and women of Uganda to rebuild their lives in the wake of years of brutality?

Written by Ross Parker

Related Tweets


If you are moved by these stories and would like to make a contribution to David’s noble work, donations can be made to ‘Crossroads Foundation Ltd’. Please be sure to include a note in the ‘what for?’ box to designate the funds to the ‘Uganda Ox and Plough Project 2012’. Please also email ross@rossparker.org, so that we can track your donations. Thanks!


  • Thanks to my students June, Rosie, Megan, Harry, Ben, Noel, Rachel, Gigi, Chance, Ray, Oscar & Nick for their hard work on this project.
  • We understand that there has been a lot of criticism of the methods used by Invisible Children, and rumours relating to this whole topic are rife on the Internet. However, whatever your feelings, it is undeniable that Invisible Children have raised the profile of this issue, and this has led multitudes of people and organisations to act positively for change. Our feeling is that enough has been done in terms of awareness and now is the time for more direct action.
  • David Livingstone has a long history working with Crossroads International, a trusted organisation in Hong Kong and around the world. We learned of David through Crossroads, and chose to work with him based on their recommendation.
  • Images of Ugandan children are property of David Livingstone and protected under copyright, and not covered by this sites Creative Common’s License
  • Image of Ugandan flag is from http://pictureorphoto.blogspot.com/2012/01/uganda-flag-pictures.html, and not covered by this sites Creative Common’s License

Stop Joseph Kony

Joseph Kony, head of Uganda’s LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army), is responsible for the abduction, sexual enslavement, multilation and militarisation of thousands of African children. Although he has been indicted by the International Criminal Court, he remains essentially invisible to the world’s media, governments and armed forces. Kony2012 is a massive online and real-world campaign to push for the capture and prosecution of Joseph Kony this year. Watch this video, share it, and take action.

My current thinking is to bring this to my students in the hope that they will be inspired to take action.

Edit 09/03/2012: it seems like this story is taking the world by storm. When I watched the video it had 40,000 views: two days later the figure had jumped to 49,000,000 and within the last three hours it has accrued a further 3,000,000. This really attests to the power of social media, although of course there are years of grassroots campaigning behind this seemingly spontaneous combustion. I guess Malcom Gladwell’s “tipping point” should be invoked here. As is to be expected, a huge number of critics have surfaced regarding all manner of issues to do with the operation and methodology of Invisible Children. It is nice to read a level headed response to these, and whilst they need to be acknowledged and dealt with, let’s not lose sight of the fact that this movement shows that a huge swathe of humanity are willing to stand up for their less fortunate brethren. I think the critics need to take a good hard look at themselves and ask if their negativity is due to a lack of personal success in this very same sphere.

Robotic Buggy Takes Stunning Photos of African Wildlife


This ingenious project uses readily available hardware to allow photographers to get up close to dangerous, wild animals. It is a great idea to get students to think of different ways to attack a problem, and to ask them to foresee what might go wrong.